Feck It, Fun, Fabulous & Free Eating Disorder Recovery
This is a podcast all about eating disorder recovery, providing frequent bite-size episodes containing information, inspiration, motivation and hope, as well as some relevant research and neuroscience, to help anyone be more feck it, fun, fabulous and free in their eating disorder recovery. Hosted by Helly Barnes, a woman who has lived with an eating disorder for over a decade as an adult, has navigated the tricky and messy recovery process, and who now works as a professional eating disorder recovery coach. Find out more about Helly: www.hellybarnes.com and here: www.recoveringnomad.com
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Your self-identity can be deeply affected when you have an eating disorder. When you are overcoming an eating disorder, an important part is to let the eating disordered parts of your self-identity go and allow yourself to learn who you are without it.
My books:
Addicted to Energy Deficit
Aiming for Overshoot
Saturday Oct 07, 2023
Saturday Oct 07, 2023
Eating disorders are hard to overcome at any age but when you are overcoming an eating disorder in mid or later life, there are more factors to consider, with the 'adult' responsibilities and limiting beliefs you might have.
This is the first in a series of posts on this topic and this focuses on the importance of self-belief that you can recover, no matter what age you are, alongside being able to let the eating disorder identity go.
My books:
Addicted to Energy Deficit
Aiming for Overshoot
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
With a restrictive eating disorder, your brain can lose the ability to understand what it means to eat without restriction, let alone let you actually do it.
One effective way to push past this brain fog and to really overcome the eating disorder, reprogram your brain and emerge from energy deficit is eating to gain... Eating to gain weight and eating to gain your life back.
My books:
Addicted to Energy Deficit
Aiming for Overshoot
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
We are taught to avoid anger, to suppress it and not show it but anger is a valid human emotion and serves a purpose. When you are overcoming an eating disorder, anger and angry eating can be a powerful means to help push you forward in making more significant changes if you direct that anger in the right direction. I talk about this in more detail in this episode.
My books:
Addicted to Energy Deficit
Aiming for Overshoot
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Are eating disorders a choice?
Does someone choose to develop an eating disorder and what about in whether they overcome an eating disorder or not?
In this episode, I explore this topic in more detail.
My books:
Addicted to Energy Deficit
Aiming for Overshoot
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Eating disorder recovery can be compared to a pendulum-swing effect. It can feel like the eating disorder pulls you to one extreme and as you let the eating disorder go, you go through centre to the other extreme in all kinds of ways, such as high hunger, eating more, feeling exhausted, weight gain and body changes which can all be alarming.
My books:
Addicted to Energy Deficit
Aiming for Overshoot
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Restrictive eating disorders and the things you need to do to overcome one will affect your digestion and your poop in ways that can be uncomfortable and even alarming if not expecting them.
In this episode I talk about some of the symptoms that you might experience and how to cope with them.
Don't miss my two books that are also available now about eating disorders and how to overcome one:
Addicted to Energy Deficit
Aiming for Overshoot
Both are available through most online book retailers.
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
Restrictive eating disorders and the ability of the brain to develop an addiction to energy deficit has an evolutionary explanation. This episode explores how and why the brain adaptations that occur with a restrictive eating disorder were once a much needed survival response and not the 'mental illnesses' they are considered today
The information for this episode is taken from my newly available book,
'Addicted to Energy Deficit - A Neuroscience Based Guide to Restrictive Eating Disorders', which you can buy now ...
And my second book is also now available and it is called,
'Aiming for Overshoot', available if you click here.
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
The stereotype of restrictive eating disorders having a look and only being present in people who appear emaciated is damaging and completely false.
Restrictive eating disorders don't have a size and the symptoms and risks of an eating disorder are the same, no matter where a person falls on the BMI spectrum.
Find out more in my books:
Addicted to Energy Deficit
Aiming for Overshoot
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
My second book, 'Aiming for Overshoot' is available to buy now and is a complementary handbook to 'Addicted to Energy Deficit'.
This episode of the podcast introduces the book and why you should aim for overshoot to overcome a restrictive eating disorder.
My two books:
Addicted to Energy Deficit
Aiming for Overshoot